This is an example of a genuine dissident voice. This woman attempts to expose the psych warfare, manipulation and games played by the Democrats or whoever is behind them nowadays.
She tells a story of how she was attacked by ANTIFA, even being a person of color herself, because of her political views.
It seems to me she is just deconstructing and exposing a con job or a method of deception. That is what gets her targeted by the opposition.
This is an example of recognizing how deception works. It's not about politics parties because each side has their own 'front, con and routine' as the old criminals used to describe it.
She's saying what I have been saying for years and it's gotten me called a Nazi and even the word racist was used by the people trying to help frame me at major educational institutions in 2016 when threatening email/faxes were sent to law enforcement using my name.
She has more ability to accomplish what I cannot as easily by being a woman of color. Hell i didn't think genuine human beings who were real dissidents actually existed anymore or at least we were marginalized so severely over the past ten years we've been ignored.
It's about time.