It seems the Zionists are long term big picture planners. They are fully aware of what manipulating poor, ignorant people can do for thier cause and to fulfill thier plans.
Its not just Zionists. Its anyone who will push for a certain kind of change via such manipulations. This is why its very important to not become blindly hateful.
I often sense that the people behind this want me to become blindly hateful and to pick on certain factions or turn against a people just due to thier race etc.
Its very easy to due after being abused so obviously by certain factions , as well as life being mostly full of idiots with a few cool people you meet in between.
This is VERY very dangerous. If you are going to oppose a faction you have to stay logical and you have to stay in control. Dont let it come from your core, your center that has been destroyed and manipulated so.
The African American community is I believe trying this same strategy. If the elite of certain factions want seperatism then these kinds of manipulations will serve them well. White nationalists desiring Obama to be president so that we wake up to the racial issues finally might later down the line of events serve blacks to be so persecuted that they will be martyred and finally have thier own Israel, and like the Jews now, be completely above reproach due to a major martyrdom- leaving open endless opportunity in the future to further manipulate the public quietly and covertly in gaining immense power and a homebase.
I would be very leery of all of the hate mongering in this era. Someone wants to manipulate the more ignorant classes to get a reaction- to ultimately gain something they want.
Dont be manipulated.
Also here is an article on Google being a dangerous monopoly:
Blogger 2003:
(niiice timing on Blogger..)
YouTube 2006:
There is alot of hate mongering and actions on behalf of certain parties that is obvious covert warfare in order to cause certain other factions to either implode due to anger, bitterness or rage (well justified) via self hatred or self destruction (including being manipulated into becoming a bitter 'hater' to serve the ultimate interests of ambitious peoples with long term agendas) or to become submissive to an indirect oppressor, perhaps even consisting of various parties.
Your own hate that is being manipulated out of you may serve to enslave you and an entire faction of people if you are not careful or assist powerful entities in becoming even more powerful.
Stay in control and watch yourself, stay sane dont give into brainwashing.
World Safer Place With Stupid, Uncreative People At Helm?
These people on the following thread are probably not perps, but they most likely are the most ignorant, stupid and gullible people incapable of research on the face of the planet. If people like this existed exclusively, as they seem to want in a neat perfect little world of thier own, detectives would never solve crimes, cops would never be suspect of criminals, sci fi writers would never create anything, mathmeticians would never solve problems, philosophers would never have existed in history, artists never create, scientists never dream, inventions never be mapped out and manifested into reality and space exploration never become a reality either.
These sorts of people if they were truly right and correct about thier assumptions of reality as a whole, would ensure that covert warfare never existed. Covert ops would never be. The imagination of the sadist or the torturer would never bloom. Military men would never imagine strategies or world domination. Religion would certainly never again be a problem as they seem to not be able to believe in anything.
They are like a nice little group of hens in a henhouse, not wanting to know what awaits outside, content with what they have in the warmth and familiarity of the barn. Not wanting to accept that wolves are real and tend to eat you, and one could be waiting outside also seems to be part of thier makeup.
If everyone was this dense, this straight and this lacking in gut instinct, raw force, foolish bravery and imagination there would never again be a war or a psychological warfare unit in existence ever again.
Perhaps these people, with minds seemingly made out of cardboard, have a ticket to happiness that the extremely talented, intelligent, gifted, psychic, artist, cop, detective, military person, politician, criminal, academic or entrepreneur type person will never have the luxury of knowing.
Thats if the whole world decided to get this stupid all at once. That would be akin however to everyone realistically disarming thier nuclear arsenals all at once and being honest about it and never developing another. Since that is very unlikely, if these types were allowed to define reality, the US would soon find itself victim to spycraft as well as psychological warfare by other nations, especially ones with thousands of years of experience.
This is why the system tries to get you to 'forget' all that has happened and go on with yer life. Why they push taking the blue pill. Becuz we live in a world full of people like this who are too stupid to understand covert ops in general, forget about black ops false flag etc.
Being really evil on the sly as well as countering such actions, seems to take a great amount of creativity. Deception IS art.
These people are NOT capable of such thought processes. They also seem to lack any education in government, military or other small subjects that happen to mold and shape the world we live in. Someone should hand them a copy of Machiavelli's The Prince, but after looking through a few pages, they would most likely find it 'scary' and not want to read it anymore but if questioned on its content, would most likely respond with the body language of a dog just shown a card trick (yes, the sideways tilt of Fido who wants to understand you but does not have the grey matter to do so).
All one has to do is research the subjects at hand in thier discussions..what is most interesting is thier insistence on denial while purposefully remaining in denial willfully.
Most likely the little bastards are terrified or..more amusing of a reason is that they are programmed assets who have an inner fear of understanding what is beyond the obvious inside themselves. Now wouldnt that be amusing, a very good twist. OH no there is my imagination again. Must be the 'mental illness' that makes me so talented.
We can only hope they are very expendable slaves and will suicide before they have to deal with reality becuz it sounds like not only are they not worth keeping around due to having no balls whatsoever or other merit, they are very group minded.
Can you imagine people so jealous or stupid that they actually believe that freedom fighters or victim advocates/ activists do what we do based on a need to be "special"? That has got to be the most sick mind f*ck yet. The scary thing is that I dont think they are perps. The reason perps piss us off so much is that they are actually too good at being deceptive, know all too well that what is happening is real and rival us sometimes in intelligence if not creativity.
These are sheep and not worth the air they take in. What is also intriguing is thier rationale. What exactly is thier motive for being so insistent in thier denial? If these people ever ran into organized criminals they would take everything they have before they knew it was gone..or wanted to know rather.
HEY!! WAIT! This is exactly the kind of robotic dumbed down idiot that the NWO is trying to create in order to get world peace a reality. So that is the secret of inner peace! Just deny that there is any problems! Kinda like the world was before the 60's..or the Internet. No, before the 1890's really. Thrown back into the dark ages where, under threat of torture you are encouraged to not question or think.
Its exactly what the system is trying to do as well. If corruption is quietly accepted as status quo and denial is a tool of supporting that, then all will be right and good with the world. No upsets, now fouls.
Just a happy population of some of the world's densest human beings ever born. But unbothered by true crime and corruption. Happy. Content.
Perhaps these morons are the key to a better world. A world without gods..gods trying to crush other gods always into eternity. No more 33.3 ad infinitum of infighting gods and bloodline brotherhoods. Just dumb as nails Adam and Eve before realizing they were naked..and there was a God at all.
We can only hope they have the same lack of instinct and intuition they seem to have in relation to intelligence and some natural disaster takes care of thier frighteningly high numbers.
I dont know if I particularly want to have my life's work judged by a poster named "Cuddles". The "Carlitos" reference is just so creative and NOT predictable huh? More interesting is that a guy like Carlito in real life would probably not only believe in gang stalking but most likely be targeted for life due to his profession either to get him to crack (feds) or to keep him in line (criminals). A character like Carlito would most likely have to be intelligent as well as a bit of a paranoid to survive. So this guy idolizes the very kind of character that he is dissing in this forum or thread.
"Howie Felterbush" gets points for the Norsk Black Metal tootsie pop gag on his avatar but the info he is referencing is from the stupidest gang stalking sites. That is info that beginners look at to start understanding psy ops in its most simple form. If you dig deeply into admitted psy ops by military and then do some serious research into gang stalking targets you will find more similarities there than some asshole being freaked out by neighbors in on these campaigns.
Most of these people seem to jsut have not wanted to do research and know the truth. Also I find it interesting that many of the most avid deniers have creepy avatars that look like something out of horror movies or nightmares. Hmmm.
OK so what do you say to someone like me, who's mother is a documented human radiation experimentee with both parents in the US Marines during that time? Who had this done at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda Maryland, the hospital that was the site of so much MK Ultra abuses and at least one related suicide of personnel that knew too much?
As well as that I have embarassing dirt on rich people and one organized crime operation and a few career criminals and my 'imagined' harassment and stalking, which involved marked police cars state, cities and various colleges/universities during a period of time when there was a federal investigation of law enforcement corruption that ended up going all the way up to the Boston FBI, and where pissed off, scared cops were throwing Maltov cocktails at other cops houses as 'insurance'?
Those sound like circumstances that are pretty compelling for a case of real life stalking and harassment to either destroy someone, drive them to suicide or at least discredit them as witnesses.
What say you, oh stupid people of the forum thread? No contest?
Yeah motherf*ckers..I thought so.
People like this never stand up to the test. For if they could make it through such circumstances...
they would most likely be Targets themselves.
F*ck You JREF Forum. Stay on yer side of the fence becuz you cant ride this pony. You'd be dead in a year. Go back into denial and stay there. And if you are perps, yer doing the right thing as the above also applies to you. Stand alone complexes beat you hands down- keep yer mob becuz you could never make it alone against Goliath. You dont have the brains or the balls.
Keep up the good work, losers!
These people on the following thread are probably not perps, but they most likely are the most ignorant, stupid and gullible people incapable of research on the face of the planet. If people like this existed exclusively, as they seem to want in a neat perfect little world of thier own, detectives would never solve crimes, cops would never be suspect of criminals, sci fi writers would never create anything, mathmeticians would never solve problems, philosophers would never have existed in history, artists never create, scientists never dream, inventions never be mapped out and manifested into reality and space exploration never become a reality either.
These sorts of people if they were truly right and correct about thier assumptions of reality as a whole, would ensure that covert warfare never existed. Covert ops would never be. The imagination of the sadist or the torturer would never bloom. Military men would never imagine strategies or world domination. Religion would certainly never again be a problem as they seem to not be able to believe in anything.
They are like a nice little group of hens in a henhouse, not wanting to know what awaits outside, content with what they have in the warmth and familiarity of the barn. Not wanting to accept that wolves are real and tend to eat you, and one could be waiting outside also seems to be part of thier makeup.
If everyone was this dense, this straight and this lacking in gut instinct, raw force, foolish bravery and imagination there would never again be a war or a psychological warfare unit in existence ever again.
Perhaps these people, with minds seemingly made out of cardboard, have a ticket to happiness that the extremely talented, intelligent, gifted, psychic, artist, cop, detective, military person, politician, criminal, academic or entrepreneur type person will never have the luxury of knowing.
Thats if the whole world decided to get this stupid all at once. That would be akin however to everyone realistically disarming thier nuclear arsenals all at once and being honest about it and never developing another. Since that is very unlikely, if these types were allowed to define reality, the US would soon find itself victim to spycraft as well as psychological warfare by other nations, especially ones with thousands of years of experience.
This is why the system tries to get you to 'forget' all that has happened and go on with yer life. Why they push taking the blue pill. Becuz we live in a world full of people like this who are too stupid to understand covert ops in general, forget about black ops false flag etc.
Being really evil on the sly as well as countering such actions, seems to take a great amount of creativity. Deception IS art.
These people are NOT capable of such thought processes. They also seem to lack any education in government, military or other small subjects that happen to mold and shape the world we live in. Someone should hand them a copy of Machiavelli's The Prince, but after looking through a few pages, they would most likely find it 'scary' and not want to read it anymore but if questioned on its content, would most likely respond with the body language of a dog just shown a card trick (yes, the sideways tilt of Fido who wants to understand you but does not have the grey matter to do so).
All one has to do is research the subjects at hand in thier discussions..what is most interesting is thier insistence on denial while purposefully remaining in denial willfully.
Most likely the little bastards are terrified or..more amusing of a reason is that they are programmed assets who have an inner fear of understanding what is beyond the obvious inside themselves. Now wouldnt that be amusing, a very good twist. OH no there is my imagination again. Must be the 'mental illness' that makes me so talented.
We can only hope they are very expendable slaves and will suicide before they have to deal with reality becuz it sounds like not only are they not worth keeping around due to having no balls whatsoever or other merit, they are very group minded.
Can you imagine people so jealous or stupid that they actually believe that freedom fighters or victim advocates/ activists do what we do based on a need to be "special"? That has got to be the most sick mind f*ck yet. The scary thing is that I dont think they are perps. The reason perps piss us off so much is that they are actually too good at being deceptive, know all too well that what is happening is real and rival us sometimes in intelligence if not creativity.
These are sheep and not worth the air they take in. What is also intriguing is thier rationale. What exactly is thier motive for being so insistent in thier denial? If these people ever ran into organized criminals they would take everything they have before they knew it was gone..or wanted to know rather.
HEY!! WAIT! This is exactly the kind of robotic dumbed down idiot that the NWO is trying to create in order to get world peace a reality. So that is the secret of inner peace! Just deny that there is any problems! Kinda like the world was before the 60's..or the Internet. No, before the 1890's really. Thrown back into the dark ages where, under threat of torture you are encouraged to not question or think.
Its exactly what the system is trying to do as well. If corruption is quietly accepted as status quo and denial is a tool of supporting that, then all will be right and good with the world. No upsets, now fouls.
Just a happy population of some of the world's densest human beings ever born. But unbothered by true crime and corruption. Happy. Content.
Perhaps these morons are the key to a better world. A world without gods..gods trying to crush other gods always into eternity. No more 33.3 ad infinitum of infighting gods and bloodline brotherhoods. Just dumb as nails Adam and Eve before realizing they were naked..and there was a God at all.
We can only hope they have the same lack of instinct and intuition they seem to have in relation to intelligence and some natural disaster takes care of thier frighteningly high numbers.
I dont know if I particularly want to have my life's work judged by a poster named "Cuddles". The "Carlitos" reference is just so creative and NOT predictable huh? More interesting is that a guy like Carlito in real life would probably not only believe in gang stalking but most likely be targeted for life due to his profession either to get him to crack (feds) or to keep him in line (criminals). A character like Carlito would most likely have to be intelligent as well as a bit of a paranoid to survive. So this guy idolizes the very kind of character that he is dissing in this forum or thread.
"Howie Felterbush" gets points for the Norsk Black Metal tootsie pop gag on his avatar but the info he is referencing is from the stupidest gang stalking sites. That is info that beginners look at to start understanding psy ops in its most simple form. If you dig deeply into admitted psy ops by military and then do some serious research into gang stalking targets you will find more similarities there than some asshole being freaked out by neighbors in on these campaigns.
Most of these people seem to jsut have not wanted to do research and know the truth. Also I find it interesting that many of the most avid deniers have creepy avatars that look like something out of horror movies or nightmares. Hmmm.
OK so what do you say to someone like me, who's mother is a documented human radiation experimentee with both parents in the US Marines during that time? Who had this done at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda Maryland, the hospital that was the site of so much MK Ultra abuses and at least one related suicide of personnel that knew too much?
As well as that I have embarassing dirt on rich people and one organized crime operation and a few career criminals and my 'imagined' harassment and stalking, which involved marked police cars state, cities and various colleges/universities during a period of time when there was a federal investigation of law enforcement corruption that ended up going all the way up to the Boston FBI, and where pissed off, scared cops were throwing Maltov cocktails at other cops houses as 'insurance'?
Those sound like circumstances that are pretty compelling for a case of real life stalking and harassment to either destroy someone, drive them to suicide or at least discredit them as witnesses.
What say you, oh stupid people of the forum thread? No contest?
Yeah motherf*ckers..I thought so.
People like this never stand up to the test. For if they could make it through such circumstances...
they would most likely be Targets themselves.
F*ck You JREF Forum. Stay on yer side of the fence becuz you cant ride this pony. You'd be dead in a year. Go back into denial and stay there. And if you are perps, yer doing the right thing as the above also applies to you. Stand alone complexes beat you hands down- keep yer mob becuz you could never make it alone against Goliath. You dont have the brains or the balls.
Keep up the good work, losers!
Lyndon Johnson and the 'wink' photo from inauguration

This is the classic photo that most people have seen. I have only seen this as a second in a series of three at most but I read there are 9 in all of the event.
I have seen one of the moment prior to this where LBJ is whispering something to Jackie, leaning into her on his left.
Ill try to find all 9.
Here is the second one with a history:
It seems that not many people are familiar with the wink photo and its usually only featured on 'conspiracy' sights, as due to the obvious implications, no one else seems to want to deal with it (big surprise).
What is interesting is the way that events can be interpreted if 'cut and pasted' or taken out of context. The impression given when seeing just the two photos instead of hte most famous one alone is enough to change one's perception as well as create doubt- simply by telling the TRUTH about an event, showing hard facts or PRLSI (Pre Recorded Light and Sound Images). Manipulating dead time is very much a key to thier success. Either leaving out information in a time line of reality, remaking or rewriting or having the public relive a certain time frame over and over as brainwashing as repetition IS brainwashing.
The people behind gang stalking make it an art form to twist reality and are expert at this.
And they have thousands of years of they simply have new toys (tech).
If we analyze both photos the characters and their body language and expressions take on new meaning. Lady Bird Johnson (who does indeed look birdlike) has an expression in the second photo that is very satisfied that its finally done but also one senses an evil in her features that could be seen as shared with the Texan who is winking at LBJ. What is compelling about the second photo is that many of the participants involved seem satisfied or even happy, which is in very bad taste at that moment to say the least, but note that Jackie Kennedy's expression has not changed much nor her body position. She is the one who is truly in shock still, mourning and upset.
When the public view the classic photo of that moment most people would most likely see it as everyone being in a moment of emergency and focusing on great responsibility. The second photo however can change one's perception of captured moments before in the one prior, the classic portrayal of that situation and that moment in history.
In the second photo, the 'wink' photo, one can see a very Italian or dark man behind the main characters and a man to his left who also looks rather hard or even seedy. Note that the tall, dark man is looking at LBJ and in that general area with a look of disgust almost and the man to his left is looking down shamefully but in Jackie Kennedy's direction.
A very revealing photo indeed.
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