OK even I am curious now.
Targets who experience organized stalking, harassment and have been betrayed by family and friends in nasty ways in a pathetic attempt at a Machiavellian type of layered set up at least can say...hmmm, there IS something off here! At the least we know something is wrong with this picture. The technologies....I ignored this issue for years. It was just too..unbelievable. But as I moved from state to state and travelled quickly and sometimes settled in places very different from Boston, I found that the harassment via non physical persons present had to be for real. Too many things happened that cant be just due to exhaustion. The torture got heavy in certain areas and I noted the more heavy handed the nature of the state and city, the more srtong arm the tech torture and harassment.
I then had to realize that all the TI's who were identifying as "TI"s were not these crazies I had to avoid to sound legit. It was the way they were presented that left question in the reader's or listener's mind.
The Sheilding Game is this: to get past all the bullsh*tters in the TI community who either want to sell u something or divert u from effective methods. Once again u must re assess: YES the gang stalking is real. YES the remote influence is real. NO alot of the prescribed methods do not work..NO you are not imagining all this.
YES do your research and make it science based from credible sources. YES question studies that may serve the enemy. YES...there could be useful info within a dis info sight.
I have tried certain methods that work. I believe metal has some use becuz of metal roofing providing relief. But a tin foil beanie at all times...why are there studies for and against? And couldnt people come up with something more...logical (and subtle)? Here is a sight that seems like it is partially a spoof but the problem is that its a spoof from people who know too much about what is going on. I just wonder if is a perp spoof sight. However, there is some interesting info and I found some of it funny which is always a relief if u can laugh.
The use of the word "paranoid" should be replaced by the term 'TI' or 'target'. I do like the idea of a hobo language however to warn others of a particularly nasty area.http://zapatopi.net/psychalking/ If u r a sensitive, you'll feel it. Just like u can feel areas of relief.
Targets of stalking and harassment do become paranoid a bit over the years..its called 'hyper vigilance' and anyone who had strangers coming up to them telling them thier private business and insulting them in hit and run fashion would become hyper vigilante over time. Most people would crack under this kind of pressure, that is why targets are studied I do believe. Most people DO crack under pressure...they are called friends and family of the target and often they will take a sell out deal over doing the right thing. It helps that alot of TI's are lifers, so that they are most likely surrounded by scum anyway. Alot of TI's get hit hard when they want a change in circumstances and no longer want to be controlled or handled. THIS will get you targeted to an extreme point, opposed to being minimally tortured into compliance and handled all your life.
This is also why you are sort of 'labeled by libel' before you actually get hit hard with the tech system. Then the general consensus is that no one is going to beleive you and if they do, they are intimidated into being compliant. It the same idea as the media biasing jurors with intimations in reporting before a trial.
OK now you've had your laugh..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tin_foil_hat#Scientific_basis. This simple article illustrates what sensible TI's have suspected which is that the foil is a very Miki Mouse answer to a serious problem. It would have to be made to shield according to changing frequency...it would have to be more scientifically produced. But what targets are doing isn't wrong or doesn't make them crazy. Its a healthy reaction to the idea that something is wrong and they want relief or protection.
The crazy stigma is actually part of the cover up culture, which functions much like psychiatry. Instead of admitting that there is a show for cause , that people are perhaps being targeted and go with the idea of the tin foil hat from there: that it is perhaps an uneducated amateur's attempt at self protection not based on total delusion. Like instead of psychiatry saying 'yes, people with claims of gaslighting that are suspect actually can show reason for investigation' they go along the same lines as the old days before the internet, without interupption.
If psychiatrists had to solve crime investigations we'd all be screwed.
So drop the stigma becuz as u can read this has some basis in science and in reality. The fact that alleged targets from years ago pre internet had thought of this amazes me. Like how did they know? I know before the internet they had alot of books about alternative information. Actually the books were maybe more informative becuz you could check the author out. To a point I guess.
A person seeking relief, like the drug user or other addict is always vilified by society. Becuz no one wants to look at what causes them to suffer to begin with..then perpetrators of crimes and abuse would be outed.
AND PLEASE STOP CALLING IT "GOVERNMENT MIND CONTROL". In the times we live in it could be a corporation or a military contractor..which would be the same I guess. I would reject any and all use of 'govt mind control'. Either the people using those terms are ignorant to how damaging those terms are to legitamacy or they are perps, or ignorant naysayers who think its a big joke.
Yes, EMF isnt harmful to humans in its proer use but that does not take into account if someone were to make a weapon out of it which exists by documentation, and if you were targeted.
This is why critical thinking is so unpopular.
Here is an article that keeps it civil and gives the TI options by keeping it a socially acceptable subject. So if anyone asks, just say you suffer from electromagnetic sensitivity. That might be alot of target's problems. Maybe some of us are sensitive to begin with on top of being hit as a target of malicious intent by technologies in certain areas at certain times.http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2005/11/69640.
I do not know if a psychic working on a target can be blocked by any physical object on any part of the bodyof said target.
The difference in delivery of psychic energies and technological energies has to be considered. The frustration is that you can damn well suspect that all our questions are answered in the research done over the years on tech as well as psychic activity.
.......I am looking up articles. Geez, I cannot believe how many 'paranoid' type articles there are. " A fringe group of paranoids"...not 'a group selected for illegal human experimentation' or 'enemies of someone important who need to be neutralized'.
Or the way these articles are written to take research way out of context, so that it is represented as crazy and that's all. The beauty of the Naysayer writer is that he gives himself away by starting out presenting the story from a negative stance. Its denial from the get go, is bias from the beginning. Not very useful to anyone really. Sounds like alot of perps or people who are deathly afraid of being perceived as siding with a marginalized population.
I wont even use the word 'psychotronics'. There is enough documentation of devices and weapons to show cause and I cant say for sure that mind control is claiming the masses, though it would appear as such. Perhaps its only some of us that they want suppressed or for experimentation.
This article is annoying as well: http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Psychotronics. Then they list MK Ultra , like they want to discredit that too.. (uhh documeted, class action law suit, Presidential apology. Head-out-of-sand please.)
If some humans make claims to being emf sensitive and they are not making claims that go any further than that, does this not at least show the possibility of existence? That people are effected, and thus there might be something further? No one is going to go up against mass mind control and the public might enjoy the idea. Its only if there comes about some disturbance to them, their breads and circuses, would they balk at the idea.
Freedom is becoming increasingly worthless as the public is lulled into believing that all tech is good and that bad tech is for bad people who we fight in wars, or bad people who need jailing or suppression. Good people good tech, bad people bad tech.
I can already tell that the public believes that the authorities will have their best interest in mind. People need to know that this tech is here and in use now. The same human failings will come about when using tech. Murder, corruption, misuse by authority, and for profit not for quality of life. There is no big panic, becuz its just an extension of human affairs as usual.
If the masses understand that , they will at least be AWARE that there is potential for the mis use of these technologies and they can then decide for themselves.
There is no stopping the attempted mind control of the masses, not if its felt to be the best way to manage the coming difficulties on our planet or a better system of governance.
Its induction in the secretive manner that has been played out is not acceptable.
You cant mind control people in this way the way you can with say subliminals in ads. The mind has more of a choice depending on the individual.
A lot of the public would actually accept it into their lives if they felt more secure or they would deny its existence, while living with it day to day.
And certain people would not like its affects and choose to find other ways to exist. Same as society has always been.
What is the human populace going to do with the idea of mind control?? I mean look at the world lately. People are either afraid, burnt out or the young kids.. To this generation not conforming is like death..so be it. That is what we are facing.
Let the world figure it out for themselves.
What time in history except glimpses do we have of even partial enlightenment? Some Golden ages..but thru history artists were destroyed or they got their real statements out through subliminal means, playing the very authority who depended on them to seduce and sedate the masses with their artwork to seeing things thier way.
Survivors and targets have burned themselves out over the years trying to get the mass to understand what is happening or to make a big deal out of it and stop it. Stopping it would be great....but for now I say lets inform people and make it very clear that there needs to be more disclosure and laws in future. There are already laws banning some weapons and technologies in MA, Maine and MI.
DID THOSE LAW MAKERS AND REPS IMAGINE THIS STUFF?? Were they having delusions? No but if you ignore this fact in the books you can go forward protecting gross misuse of the technologies. Humans have a tendancy to do this sort of thing-often. For years on end. Corruption is a cash cow.
The breaks in the reality of this subject matter are disgusting and its leaving all sorts of cracks for exploitation of people and abuse- by The People to be honest.
Look what happened to me? The People have had an absolute field day abusing me until I am damaged. It has shown that the public can choose for themselves what action they want to take quite well and they obviously need no help. People enjoy murdering someone consequence free, that is not going to change. The Public are animals and unfortunately there is no protection for someone who is targeted covertly so they can get away with abuse.
Drop the info and let the decent people fend for themselves. The jerks are either satisfied to take part in the lynch mobs and don't even care about mind control and the criminals are fully aware of it.
I think what TI's are trying to say is that we don't want the exploitation of the innocent by non disclosure or at least to not be believed when there is a good old fashioned gas lighting plot behind the abuse with this new tech. Tech don't kill, humans do.
We want decent people to not suffer at the hands of those with an unfair advantage not save the world.
Non state vs. state actors
I had this guy come up to me and say that "you know social groups doing this are alot different than the govt doin it" after describing to me one person who was now targeted who is crazy now. He said the mob did it to him becuz he was straight up competition in business.
He said that is when you really get messed up when its NOT the govt doing it.
Now I hate using terms like 'the govt' but lets say non state and state actors then.
He continued to say that social groups can get into alot of trouble for doing this to people.
There is much wondering in the TI community:
'Its the govt, its community watch groups, its vigilantes' auughghg!
Doesnt anybody know?
It is very confusing.
Especially when people say that a certain intelligence agency is the govt and others say that they are actually a private corporation.
That the CIA is an up and up agency, but there is a 'department' that is separate that did the MK ultra experiments.
Then the CIA becomes this mythical creature and conspiracy theorists run with it
some of whom are disinfo people anyway.
Then anyone who says CIA is a nutter and the very mention creates a slide in peoples minds (they stop listening). [As always you'd need documented proof or at least show cause or some reasonable deduction.]
Then becuz there is speculation among the ignorant, disinfo people can throw in all kinds of crap. The TI becomes handled via trauma and disinfo.
This is why its important to keep a TI in the dark about what is going on. It is important to keep slaves stupid.
So that is what is going on for anyone confused still. There are social groups but not always.
You'd have to judge for yourself on your own situation.
He said that is when you really get messed up when its NOT the govt doing it.
Now I hate using terms like 'the govt' but lets say non state and state actors then.
He continued to say that social groups can get into alot of trouble for doing this to people.
There is much wondering in the TI community:
'Its the govt, its community watch groups, its vigilantes' auughghg!
Doesnt anybody know?
It is very confusing.
Especially when people say that a certain intelligence agency is the govt and others say that they are actually a private corporation.
That the CIA is an up and up agency, but there is a 'department' that is separate that did the MK ultra experiments.
Then the CIA becomes this mythical creature and conspiracy theorists run with it
some of whom are disinfo people anyway.
Then anyone who says CIA is a nutter and the very mention creates a slide in peoples minds (they stop listening). [As always you'd need documented proof or at least show cause or some reasonable deduction.]
Then becuz there is speculation among the ignorant, disinfo people can throw in all kinds of crap. The TI becomes handled via trauma and disinfo.
This is why its important to keep a TI in the dark about what is going on. It is important to keep slaves stupid.
So that is what is going on for anyone confused still. There are social groups but not always.
You'd have to judge for yourself on your own situation.
A plea to all activists posting info
Without the internet I would not have found out what was happening to me on the level of gangstalking and on more involved levels.
But I try to remain reasonable and not go conspiracy nut...I also try to illustrate my points when I can and show proof.
There is so much great info on the web but alot of sites or pieces done by well meaning people, and maybe not so well meaning (disinfo agents) mix up thier research practices. Like there will be some of it that shows a link or reference to documentation to prove the info has a reference and then the same piece will have quotes from people in supposed printed articles but with no reference to prove they exist. Then there is alot of so and so said to so and so " blah blah blah" without any reference as to where this info was obtained from or a person used as reliable sources or testimony.
In order to get anyone to listen to us we have to act like we are already in a court room. Without a forensics lab unfortunately, to prove that any documents aren't fakes..nowadays this is very easy if you have the equipment for such deceptions. Especially if you are from the shadow world of covert warfare where I am sure that brilliant, creative minds came up with such things long ago before the public even heard about such capabilities.
So if you can leave references next to info and use words like 'alleged' next to here say my already tired mind would be appreciative. I want to beleive but its so easy for the naysayers to just write the official line and that squashes any doubt supposedly.
Besides I would be very curious to see the original sources of alot of info out there.
I know that alot of books came out on various subject matter before the internet...some of these had quite good credentials and ....you were allowed to write books like that back then.
When you are writing a piece just pretend that the enemy is right beside you..nay saying you already. Then when it comes out, they are already all done before it even hits them. What can they say?
Awww, the 'conspiracy theorists' wrote a piece with YOU in mind naysayer! And the anecdote is already in it before you can administer your poison.
But I try to remain reasonable and not go conspiracy nut...I also try to illustrate my points when I can and show proof.
There is so much great info on the web but alot of sites or pieces done by well meaning people, and maybe not so well meaning (disinfo agents) mix up thier research practices. Like there will be some of it that shows a link or reference to documentation to prove the info has a reference and then the same piece will have quotes from people in supposed printed articles but with no reference to prove they exist. Then there is alot of so and so said to so and so " blah blah blah" without any reference as to where this info was obtained from or a person used as reliable sources or testimony.
In order to get anyone to listen to us we have to act like we are already in a court room. Without a forensics lab unfortunately, to prove that any documents aren't fakes..nowadays this is very easy if you have the equipment for such deceptions. Especially if you are from the shadow world of covert warfare where I am sure that brilliant, creative minds came up with such things long ago before the public even heard about such capabilities.
So if you can leave references next to info and use words like 'alleged' next to here say my already tired mind would be appreciative. I want to beleive but its so easy for the naysayers to just write the official line and that squashes any doubt supposedly.
Besides I would be very curious to see the original sources of alot of info out there.
I know that alot of books came out on various subject matter before the internet...some of these had quite good credentials and ....you were allowed to write books like that back then.
When you are writing a piece just pretend that the enemy is right beside you..nay saying you already. Then when it comes out, they are already all done before it even hits them. What can they say?
Awww, the 'conspiracy theorists' wrote a piece with YOU in mind naysayer! And the anecdote is already in it before you can administer your poison.
Reasons why nobody listens to victims or Targets
As a 'movement' we are disorganized. We are weak. We have too many damaged people arguing amongst themselves (listen to the Jonestown tapes to see where that last theatre/experiement ended up) we are infiltrated with people who are provacatuers and sabateurs who take advantage of afore mentioned. We would need the same resources as the gang stalking system has to survive without the protection of legit law enforcement and law makers.
As individuals we are easily targeted, alot of us are underfunded and losing grip. In person many of us look a mess and are becoming the atypical social outcast. Alot of blogs and websites are not well written as to be understood or are rigid or narrow in the findings from experience and research. Alot of TI's can relate to each other but the public if they viewed this mess would become easily confused...by subject matter they would or could not readily accept anyway.
Another thing that I realized and this is important:
IF YOU HAVE A BLOG OR WEBSITE TRY TO GET ONE THAT IS DESIGNED TO LOOK LIKE HTML OR LOOKS LIKE ON A CHEAP CELL PHONE..what I am saying is that I noticed that what I was reading on my cheap cell phone internet struck me as more beleiveable than on the pc. Why? BECUZ THE GRAPHIC DESIGN STYLE OF THE INTERNET MAKES A CARTOONISH PRESENTATION.
I have noticed over time that the simpler your technology the less interference with your perceptions in general. If only I could post my blogs on the font that is on the HTML tab it would be much more....straight forward.
So the hardcore material that we are presenting is not marketed as hardcore. And this society is all about perception management.
TI's exist mostly in cyber reality. In person we are targets, mostly on the internet we are activists and alot of us can only express what is happening in cyber space. We are not presenting very well nor are we represented very well- on threads and elsewhere.
This is more isolating of TI's via cyber bullying or cyber slander.
Its the same spirit of misrep that goes on in public..
what is most amusing is that on a thread a perp cant say " that person is just crazy" becuz
1) 'that person' is sane enough to use the computer and sound like they have an ordered mind most of the time and 2) 'that person' can read what was just said about him on a thread etc.
In physical reality, often these accusations are behind someones back or right under thier nose but it works more readily to discredit someone. I notice alot of perps saying 'take your medication' is very popular to TI's whereas in person that comment would result in a confrontation.
This is why its so important for the system to keep us isolated from each other and keep cyber reality isolated from physical reality. If everyone who saw you in person read what goes on in your day to day life or what is going on with you intelectually thier may be more understanding.
There is an old saying " Never victimize a person who buys his ink by the barrel"...someone who thinks and writes alot.
Please write blogs, and keep in mind that the perps are going to use anything you write against you so...you have to find a way to keep it all about subject matter. Put others blogs as links that you trust or who seem genuine. Try to keep doing more research and stay logical and reasonable. If you are a TI who is not blogging you are dangerously disconnected. Also the public will see there are more and more targets. You have to find a way to make it so you are still safe however. Do it anonomously if necessary or change the name.
I often wonder why targeted people do not use the internet or blog or at least do research.
I am so tired of the disinfo and the infiltration. I wont even meet with a TI anymore or email. I just wonder how many true TI's there really are in numbers.
Please understand that before you write a blog the purpose of it...if you can use it to fight the perps and the system then do that. If you feel that it would victimize you further then dont.
The main reason that people dont hear us is that they do not want to get targeted. I beleive alot of people know about this system. It would be interesting to know what people truly understand about all this...if the public are the a-holes that they appear becuz they readily turn away from us as we die.
As a TI you have to come up with one sensible time line/story line for your situation. It makes more sense to the viewer. Be concrete and if you dont have facts dont use terms like 'the elite' or 'the illuminati' or other imaginary friends..(I know that these groups are NOT imaginary but in order to make a direct hit you need a target and that is why they keep us in the dark, so we have nothing to react to or retaliate against. Unless you have proof of groups involvement or you can give serious testimony I wouldnt go with blaming these groups.)
The only reason I have in the past mentioned satanists is becuz my perps have insisted on flashing the horned god sign numerous times in numerous states. And satanists were mentioned by a perp years ago. There is a connection to satanism and the military as well as other issues but again its a set up. You have to be able to say that perpetrator lead you to beleive...etc. not just that you THINK it might be whatever group.
This would show cause, that someone is baiting you at least if not outright involvement of certain groups.
Nobody listens to us becuz they feel they dont have to. If you put your case in the right way, they will have to see there is sense in it.
I want to add that as a TI you are always a victim of mind control either through brainwashing via the gang stalking itself or thru technology or both. If you are a tbmc survivor to begin with then the system is trying to take you from your original handlers into this new system.
None of this is easy to combat and it is not your fault.
You are fighting a system that incorporates the compliance if not the assistance of the very people who are supposed to protect you from crimes THIS hayniss. (no idea how to spell that).
As individuals we are easily targeted, alot of us are underfunded and losing grip. In person many of us look a mess and are becoming the atypical social outcast. Alot of blogs and websites are not well written as to be understood or are rigid or narrow in the findings from experience and research. Alot of TI's can relate to each other but the public if they viewed this mess would become easily confused...by subject matter they would or could not readily accept anyway.
Another thing that I realized and this is important:
IF YOU HAVE A BLOG OR WEBSITE TRY TO GET ONE THAT IS DESIGNED TO LOOK LIKE HTML OR LOOKS LIKE ON A CHEAP CELL PHONE..what I am saying is that I noticed that what I was reading on my cheap cell phone internet struck me as more beleiveable than on the pc. Why? BECUZ THE GRAPHIC DESIGN STYLE OF THE INTERNET MAKES A CARTOONISH PRESENTATION.
I have noticed over time that the simpler your technology the less interference with your perceptions in general. If only I could post my blogs on the font that is on the HTML tab it would be much more....straight forward.
So the hardcore material that we are presenting is not marketed as hardcore. And this society is all about perception management.
TI's exist mostly in cyber reality. In person we are targets, mostly on the internet we are activists and alot of us can only express what is happening in cyber space. We are not presenting very well nor are we represented very well- on threads and elsewhere.
This is more isolating of TI's via cyber bullying or cyber slander.
Its the same spirit of misrep that goes on in public..
what is most amusing is that on a thread a perp cant say " that person is just crazy" becuz
1) 'that person' is sane enough to use the computer and sound like they have an ordered mind most of the time and 2) 'that person' can read what was just said about him on a thread etc.
In physical reality, often these accusations are behind someones back or right under thier nose but it works more readily to discredit someone. I notice alot of perps saying 'take your medication' is very popular to TI's whereas in person that comment would result in a confrontation.
This is why its so important for the system to keep us isolated from each other and keep cyber reality isolated from physical reality. If everyone who saw you in person read what goes on in your day to day life or what is going on with you intelectually thier may be more understanding.
There is an old saying " Never victimize a person who buys his ink by the barrel"...someone who thinks and writes alot.
Please write blogs, and keep in mind that the perps are going to use anything you write against you so...you have to find a way to keep it all about subject matter. Put others blogs as links that you trust or who seem genuine. Try to keep doing more research and stay logical and reasonable. If you are a TI who is not blogging you are dangerously disconnected. Also the public will see there are more and more targets. You have to find a way to make it so you are still safe however. Do it anonomously if necessary or change the name.
I often wonder why targeted people do not use the internet or blog or at least do research.
I am so tired of the disinfo and the infiltration. I wont even meet with a TI anymore or email. I just wonder how many true TI's there really are in numbers.
Please understand that before you write a blog the purpose of it...if you can use it to fight the perps and the system then do that. If you feel that it would victimize you further then dont.
The main reason that people dont hear us is that they do not want to get targeted. I beleive alot of people know about this system. It would be interesting to know what people truly understand about all this...if the public are the a-holes that they appear becuz they readily turn away from us as we die.
As a TI you have to come up with one sensible time line/story line for your situation. It makes more sense to the viewer. Be concrete and if you dont have facts dont use terms like 'the elite' or 'the illuminati' or other imaginary friends..(I know that these groups are NOT imaginary but in order to make a direct hit you need a target and that is why they keep us in the dark, so we have nothing to react to or retaliate against. Unless you have proof of groups involvement or you can give serious testimony I wouldnt go with blaming these groups.)
The only reason I have in the past mentioned satanists is becuz my perps have insisted on flashing the horned god sign numerous times in numerous states. And satanists were mentioned by a perp years ago. There is a connection to satanism and the military as well as other issues but again its a set up. You have to be able to say that perpetrator lead you to beleive...etc. not just that you THINK it might be whatever group.
This would show cause, that someone is baiting you at least if not outright involvement of certain groups.
Nobody listens to us becuz they feel they dont have to. If you put your case in the right way, they will have to see there is sense in it.
I want to add that as a TI you are always a victim of mind control either through brainwashing via the gang stalking itself or thru technology or both. If you are a tbmc survivor to begin with then the system is trying to take you from your original handlers into this new system.
None of this is easy to combat and it is not your fault.
You are fighting a system that incorporates the compliance if not the assistance of the very people who are supposed to protect you from crimes THIS hayniss. (no idea how to spell that).
Why it is important to stay focused.
I mentioned not becoming an info hog like some groups and TI's encourage. I know that I suggested that Targets stay focused becuz it gives TI's legitimacy.
But I did not know that there might be other motives people have for making you into a conspiracy nut.
Unless you are a pro and you know what you are doing like certain activists who have lawyers etc and know how to be warriors on the field or you are just a regular person or in that mode discussing the issues
I would advise strongly against putting all the conspiracy info into any org stalk activism you may be doing publicly. Remember that TI's get targeted thru many administrations and really your personal case is unique.
Its like trying to get rid of as many serious activists/TI's as the system can by making us all look like conspiracy nut/terrorists or whatever they seem to be pulling. (read the article).
This is why so many perps who try to invalidate you will try to make you out to be a leftist/conspiracy whatever. They try it on me if they are stupid/lazy/old school oppression and I utilize logic logic logic.
They cannot respond in kind..they are invalidated.
So, this explains why you'll meet TI's who want to pull you into everything under the sun that has nothing to do with your individual case. It's a set up.
On top of that thier last words on the subject is always that everyone is going to get rounded up soon, all this paranoia..perfect for a tired and terrorized target.
Yes, you are in danger and you are being hunted most likely for deletion (they hope). But it's all psychological warfare.
If you are tired or confused then dont make decisions or give people info. Don't become a brainwashing victim becuz if you do then you may get invalidated as the end result.
What they are doing to you is wrong do not give them the easy way out.
But I did not know that there might be other motives people have for making you into a conspiracy nut.
Unless you are a pro and you know what you are doing like certain activists who have lawyers etc and know how to be warriors on the field or you are just a regular person or in that mode discussing the issues
I would advise strongly against putting all the conspiracy info into any org stalk activism you may be doing publicly. Remember that TI's get targeted thru many administrations and really your personal case is unique.
Its like trying to get rid of as many serious activists/TI's as the system can by making us all look like conspiracy nut/terrorists or whatever they seem to be pulling. (read the article).
This is why so many perps who try to invalidate you will try to make you out to be a leftist/conspiracy whatever. They try it on me if they are stupid/lazy/old school oppression and I utilize logic logic logic.
They cannot respond in kind..they are invalidated.
So, this explains why you'll meet TI's who want to pull you into everything under the sun that has nothing to do with your individual case. It's a set up.
On top of that thier last words on the subject is always that everyone is going to get rounded up soon, all this paranoia..perfect for a tired and terrorized target.
Yes, you are in danger and you are being hunted most likely for deletion (they hope). But it's all psychological warfare.
If you are tired or confused then dont make decisions or give people info. Don't become a brainwashing victim becuz if you do then you may get invalidated as the end result.
What they are doing to you is wrong do not give them the easy way out.
FBI involvement in organized stalking
OK so there are a bunch of org stalk sites that have all this FBI content. BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW IT IS THEM? Where is the proof of FBI involvement in your case as a TI?
I have a COINTELPRO link but it's really to describe the infiltration into activist groups for TI's who should take caution when doing activism. And it describes alot of the same actions taken against people especially to ensure activists never form into anyone powerful.
But I personally have no proof of any FBI involvement...does any other TI? I mean real proof like taking footage of perps and running plates and finding out it's feds. Maybe finding out your name is on some list of suspects or investigation.
As usual USE CAUTION...this is why we are called 'nutters'..becuz its all this daily guessing games. (This behavior or style of TI's is a result of extreme trauma from being stalked and harassed and it is also in my experienced opinion a result of being under the influence of remote influencing technologies in addition to the latter trauma. In short, it's hard for alot of TI's to think straight.
For instance the only reason I am able to sound reasonable at this very moment of this writing is I am somewhere that I seem more unaffected than usual. But in a university library, especially certain ones, I find myself unable to keep a flow of thought and remain focused on my subject matter, I find myself being alot less intelligent than I am capable of. There IS something going on especially in the cities with dumbing down, confusion and repetitive suicide ideation.)
All I am saying is please try to be sensible, articulate and believable. Show cause.
I know you are tired, scared and desperate. That is what the perps want becuz it makes us crazy and then we sound crazy. It's not your fault. The org stalk system is to blame.
Just becuz the FBI's tactics are/were similar does not mean that it is they who is responsible for what is happening now. It could be but you'd need something linking them to involvement to state that it IS them behind your harassment or stalking.
Making comparisons is enough. It proves that such action does exist and has been taking against citizens in the past covertly.
I have a COINTELPRO link but it's really to describe the infiltration into activist groups for TI's who should take caution when doing activism. And it describes alot of the same actions taken against people especially to ensure activists never form into anyone powerful.
But I personally have no proof of any FBI involvement...does any other TI? I mean real proof like taking footage of perps and running plates and finding out it's feds. Maybe finding out your name is on some list of suspects or investigation.
As usual USE CAUTION...this is why we are called 'nutters'..becuz its all this daily guessing games. (This behavior or style of TI's is a result of extreme trauma from being stalked and harassed and it is also in my experienced opinion a result of being under the influence of remote influencing technologies in addition to the latter trauma. In short, it's hard for alot of TI's to think straight.
For instance the only reason I am able to sound reasonable at this very moment of this writing is I am somewhere that I seem more unaffected than usual. But in a university library, especially certain ones, I find myself unable to keep a flow of thought and remain focused on my subject matter, I find myself being alot less intelligent than I am capable of. There IS something going on especially in the cities with dumbing down, confusion and repetitive suicide ideation.)
All I am saying is please try to be sensible, articulate and believable. Show cause.
I know you are tired, scared and desperate. That is what the perps want becuz it makes us crazy and then we sound crazy. It's not your fault. The org stalk system is to blame.
Just becuz the FBI's tactics are/were similar does not mean that it is they who is responsible for what is happening now. It could be but you'd need something linking them to involvement to state that it IS them behind your harassment or stalking.
Making comparisons is enough. It proves that such action does exist and has been taking against citizens in the past covertly.
vigilantes, hate groups, crime-who's on first?
After a time TI's become used to the merry-go-round of disinfo and misinfo as par the course of being a Targeted Individual. It's as aggravating as the old comedy routine "Who's on first?" The only difference is that the audience probably had MORE info about what was going on in that comedy routine than TI's have about what is really going on with our situations.
That is why the workplace mobbing piece was so comforting. In my mind the subject matter stays alive-solid and vivid. It has a name and it is defined. It has been given validation.
The concept of what is happening to me on a given day fades in and out. It becomes other things. Other ideas take over.
I believe society's flimsy "You're just crazy" rationale is illogical and unreasonable considering the corruption and cruelty involved. What is happening is definitely criminal in nature and I am a victim of crime and I have been terrorized. There has been a systematic destruction of my life and much deception has been employed.
On the lower levels of motive, yes there was crime as society is familiar with involved. A therapist info pumped me and then tried to erase what she had done with intimidation but she screwed it up. She asked me "Where is ____?" R:" She moved away. She went to ___" Therapist: "Well, do you know where she went?!" R: " To live with her parents in ___, that's all I know"....(so she just pumped me for info either on behalf of the police or the gs system or the overlap thereof. To cover up what she had done she tried to intimate that I was imagining things: Therapist: Eyes up in her head "Yer probably just making it up to get attention" (I had been telling her there was harassment and I was told by people around me that it was an investigation concerning others that would go away once they realized I knew nothing of import.) "You know other girls I see for therapy are actively doing what you used to do and they aren't getting harassed!"....
The tactic she tried to employ was the typical 'its all yer fault'. The thing is it was so obvious she had just gotten info out of me for someone who was looking for ______. Use and abuse. Attempting to pump me for info concerning the former resident of my apartment and then intimidating the person you just pumped for info.
Pearlman, Brighton-You should grow like an onion, with your head in the ground pointing towards hell.
Yes, dear, I notice that no one else is getting harassed and don't you think that is a little strange?
So sometimes because of all the invalidation I think "I know from my research that mc survivors get gang stalked. I know that this is the way. I know that its hiding alot of corruption supposedly to do with drugs, money and sex that is exploitative.....but its also supposedly used for intel work as well. That will never be validated."
My mind begins to wander daily...without validation and with so much INvalidation from the org stalk system.
So then its vigilantes...or hate groups. Or its because I deserve it..or its the ex association with a criminal mess that somehow ended up the real criminals got great lives and my life is ruined-its because that perp told me "Oh well, it doesn't pay to be poor" so maybe I couldn't afford to pay anyone off...ETC, ETC..Round and round and..
The mind games, the psych war along with what any TI can tell battle wear down.
It messes up your vision of the truth. Your former sharp and brilliant mind is reduced to a soup.
A constant running through possibilities because what is really the Truth-you keep getting threatened. From the beginning there was the threat, the veiled intimidation of labeling you if you told the truth. Your family is in agreement and so is everyone else that one wrong move, one mistep and you are as crazy as they tried to make u out to be in 2005..the ambulance is there in Kenmore, especially when there is a perp there who antagonizes you..they keep checking u out. Maybe they are first responders....maybe they have the authority to make a quick judgement on your mental state. Stay the course Rach--walk the tight rope every minute of ever day. They are watching they are waiting...eventually they will win. Don't say the wrong thing or make the wrong move..
You are always wrong and need behavior modification. So here is our new strategy for dealing with you. Either you give into pressure and conform and abandon working on telling your story(good for us) or you stick so hard to your prime directive and we discredit you for life and eventually get you labeled.
That is alot of pressure along with trying to figure out what is really going on.
All I know is that I would not believe any of what is said in the activist forums. There is alot of "It IS the govt it IS the CIA. It IS the military." What proof do they have?
Then there are certain internet activists who want you to believe it IS indeed 'hate groups' or it is definitely community policing.
I have personally been led to believe that its my old criminal associates doing this and I was told that I had to " be made manageable" because that is what people do in business. And as the harassment persists I am told by the same person that "Geez, they are going to let you know you were inconvenient". And this is a person who is trying to help..when they are not enjoying psyching me out.
When I left town on a road trip to clear my head in 2005 it was repeated to me the idea that I was "running from the FBI".
And the man I was with told me that I should simply stay firm and show I cant be intimidated.
Then you have my mothers factions who seem to slip and let me know by conversations like " Shh, her mother is trying to get her labeled as mental, don't say anything."
First you are made to feel that you committed a crime or were framed or that the feds want you to blab about your knowledge about former associates. Then it is intimated that people think you are crazy and mentally ill and if only you give in to this, you will be protected and even given housing (bribe). And all along the way people are intimating that you were accused of robbing a bank, of being a terrorist, a pedophile, a drug dealer, on drugs, of murderer.
It makes it difficult to really understand who is behind this or why its really happening.
You'd have to be like 5 people to be guilty of all that you are accused of..sensory overload is what all that is.
But for what purpose..to gas light you to drive you crazy.
That is all you need to know is that there is a system of gas lighting and you are the target.
If people think you are nuts that is their problem...they don't know the whole story anyway and they don't know you.
This however is an easy way out for a public that does not want to face their own actions nor the actions of criminals and corruption.
Its not so hard to understand....it is right in some song lyrics.
Cypress Hill " We aint goin out like that": "Dig the grave for the one who got played/ Now he's under/ No need to wonder why/ Cuz he'll testify/ We aint goin out like that/ We aint goin out like that..."
Its par for the course in victim witness intimidation among crime syndicates...why is this so hard for people to understand? What..cuz my mother is involved?? There have been plenty of instances of child abusers still being abusive when the child is grown or to cover for the grown child starting to remember stuff. Also, there have been cases where the parent was involved in organized crime and tried to waste their own child per business activities.
You have to be realistic about the world we live in. Corruption is a major cash cow...gang stalking: criminals banding together for protection and profit. Its not that hard to understand.
That is the bottom line..so dont let people get you in a net or web all tied up trying to figure out who did what and who is behind all this. YOU WILL NEVER KNOW FOR SURE THE WHOLE STORY OF YOUR CASE WITHOUT INVESTIGATION, TESTIMONY AND DOCUMENTATION.
That is the reality of the situation.
That is why the workplace mobbing piece was so comforting. In my mind the subject matter stays alive-solid and vivid. It has a name and it is defined. It has been given validation.
The concept of what is happening to me on a given day fades in and out. It becomes other things. Other ideas take over.
I believe society's flimsy "You're just crazy" rationale is illogical and unreasonable considering the corruption and cruelty involved. What is happening is definitely criminal in nature and I am a victim of crime and I have been terrorized. There has been a systematic destruction of my life and much deception has been employed.
On the lower levels of motive, yes there was crime as society is familiar with involved. A therapist info pumped me and then tried to erase what she had done with intimidation but she screwed it up. She asked me "Where is ____?" R:" She moved away. She went to ___" Therapist: "Well, do you know where she went?!" R: " To live with her parents in ___, that's all I know"....(so she just pumped me for info either on behalf of the police or the gs system or the overlap thereof. To cover up what she had done she tried to intimate that I was imagining things: Therapist: Eyes up in her head "Yer probably just making it up to get attention" (I had been telling her there was harassment and I was told by people around me that it was an investigation concerning others that would go away once they realized I knew nothing of import.) "You know other girls I see for therapy are actively doing what you used to do and they aren't getting harassed!"....
The tactic she tried to employ was the typical 'its all yer fault'. The thing is it was so obvious she had just gotten info out of me for someone who was looking for ______. Use and abuse. Attempting to pump me for info concerning the former resident of my apartment and then intimidating the person you just pumped for info.
Pearlman, Brighton-You should grow like an onion, with your head in the ground pointing towards hell.
Yes, dear, I notice that no one else is getting harassed and don't you think that is a little strange?
So sometimes because of all the invalidation I think "I know from my research that mc survivors get gang stalked. I know that this is the way. I know that its hiding alot of corruption supposedly to do with drugs, money and sex that is exploitative.....but its also supposedly used for intel work as well. That will never be validated."
My mind begins to wander daily...without validation and with so much INvalidation from the org stalk system.
So then its vigilantes...or hate groups. Or its because I deserve it..or its the ex association with a criminal mess that somehow ended up the real criminals got great lives and my life is ruined-its because that perp told me "Oh well, it doesn't pay to be poor" so maybe I couldn't afford to pay anyone off...ETC, ETC..Round and round and..
The mind games, the psych war along with what any TI can tell battle wear down.
It messes up your vision of the truth. Your former sharp and brilliant mind is reduced to a soup.
A constant running through possibilities because what is really the Truth-you keep getting threatened. From the beginning there was the threat, the veiled intimidation of labeling you if you told the truth. Your family is in agreement and so is everyone else that one wrong move, one mistep and you are as crazy as they tried to make u out to be in 2005..the ambulance is there in Kenmore, especially when there is a perp there who antagonizes you..they keep checking u out. Maybe they are first responders....maybe they have the authority to make a quick judgement on your mental state. Stay the course Rach--walk the tight rope every minute of ever day. They are watching they are waiting...eventually they will win. Don't say the wrong thing or make the wrong move..
You are always wrong and need behavior modification. So here is our new strategy for dealing with you. Either you give into pressure and conform and abandon working on telling your story(good for us) or you stick so hard to your prime directive and we discredit you for life and eventually get you labeled.
That is alot of pressure along with trying to figure out what is really going on.
All I know is that I would not believe any of what is said in the activist forums. There is alot of "It IS the govt it IS the CIA. It IS the military." What proof do they have?
Then there are certain internet activists who want you to believe it IS indeed 'hate groups' or it is definitely community policing.
I have personally been led to believe that its my old criminal associates doing this and I was told that I had to " be made manageable" because that is what people do in business. And as the harassment persists I am told by the same person that "Geez, they are going to let you know you were inconvenient". And this is a person who is trying to help..when they are not enjoying psyching me out.
When I left town on a road trip to clear my head in 2005 it was repeated to me the idea that I was "running from the FBI".
And the man I was with told me that I should simply stay firm and show I cant be intimidated.
Then you have my mothers factions who seem to slip and let me know by conversations like " Shh, her mother is trying to get her labeled as mental, don't say anything."
First you are made to feel that you committed a crime or were framed or that the feds want you to blab about your knowledge about former associates. Then it is intimated that people think you are crazy and mentally ill and if only you give in to this, you will be protected and even given housing (bribe). And all along the way people are intimating that you were accused of robbing a bank, of being a terrorist, a pedophile, a drug dealer, on drugs, of murderer.
It makes it difficult to really understand who is behind this or why its really happening.
You'd have to be like 5 people to be guilty of all that you are accused of..sensory overload is what all that is.
But for what purpose..to gas light you to drive you crazy.
That is all you need to know is that there is a system of gas lighting and you are the target.
If people think you are nuts that is their problem...they don't know the whole story anyway and they don't know you.
This however is an easy way out for a public that does not want to face their own actions nor the actions of criminals and corruption.
Its not so hard to understand....it is right in some song lyrics.
Cypress Hill " We aint goin out like that": "Dig the grave for the one who got played/ Now he's under/ No need to wonder why/ Cuz he'll testify/ We aint goin out like that/ We aint goin out like that..."
Its par for the course in victim witness intimidation among crime syndicates...why is this so hard for people to understand? What..cuz my mother is involved?? There have been plenty of instances of child abusers still being abusive when the child is grown or to cover for the grown child starting to remember stuff. Also, there have been cases where the parent was involved in organized crime and tried to waste their own child per business activities.
You have to be realistic about the world we live in. Corruption is a major cash cow...gang stalking: criminals banding together for protection and profit. Its not that hard to understand.
That is the bottom line..so dont let people get you in a net or web all tied up trying to figure out who did what and who is behind all this. YOU WILL NEVER KNOW FOR SURE THE WHOLE STORY OF YOUR CASE WITHOUT INVESTIGATION, TESTIMONY AND DOCUMENTATION.
That is the reality of the situation.
Steps to preserve integrity
All the while as a Target you should be thinking about your own case..not the NWO. I know that its the big picture and it is valid. But you must not fall into mindless group think. Knowing what your own circumstances are is very important.
Try to put together why you are targeted.
As far as all this info you get from people and groups..always do your own research. If you want to be as credible as possible then you have to keep connecting your ordeal to what people know about and what is credible in the 'real world'..even though thier knowledge is limited of what is going on in the big picture.
Say for instance somone tries to interest you in Magellans disease..
I was researching parasitic disease at one time and I had looked at this phenomena and found it curious. It was interesting that no one seemed to want to validate its existence even though people claimed to be suffering from it. I left it at that.
When I was travelling thru CA this homeless guy was just standing there in this soup kitchen type place in Sacremento. He had the black marks on his lip and I simply took it in and ignored it becuz it is not my concern primarily though intriguing.
The alleged TI that approached me the other day just HAD to show me a piece that said that Magellans was an alien strain and there were pictures of it moving on someones face.
I look back now and see that the guy in CA was likely just a diversion.
Its all to see if they can get you interested in things that are not really of concern to you as diversion.
If you have time to research such things fine...but do not let people throw a million conspiracy items your way and link them all together. Eventually the TI sounds like a nut or they are an operative acting like a nut.
I know it is difficult. Just staaaayyy focused and follow reason. There are research resources that make hypnosis, druggings, brainwashing, hypnosis and human experiementation realistic and credible.
Psy warfare is real.
This is what I did. I studied everything I could about everything for reference in my mental files. I added this onto whatever else was in there from previous research.
Then after realizing that the system tries to gorge you on info as diversion I picked files that were only important to ME and my situation.
This way you create your own internal world to replace the one they have taken from you and what you focus on is about YOU and what YOU know to be true..not the circus of bs.
The other info can be used for later reference if needed.
Its called minding your OWN business...something the perps need to learn desperately.
It pays off as knowing yourself always has...this something they cannot take away from you becuz I am sure you had some kind of life where at least you thought you had privacy.
Try to put together why you are targeted.
As far as all this info you get from people and groups..always do your own research. If you want to be as credible as possible then you have to keep connecting your ordeal to what people know about and what is credible in the 'real world'..even though thier knowledge is limited of what is going on in the big picture.
Say for instance somone tries to interest you in Magellans disease..
I was researching parasitic disease at one time and I had looked at this phenomena and found it curious. It was interesting that no one seemed to want to validate its existence even though people claimed to be suffering from it. I left it at that.
When I was travelling thru CA this homeless guy was just standing there in this soup kitchen type place in Sacremento. He had the black marks on his lip and I simply took it in and ignored it becuz it is not my concern primarily though intriguing.
The alleged TI that approached me the other day just HAD to show me a piece that said that Magellans was an alien strain and there were pictures of it moving on someones face.
I look back now and see that the guy in CA was likely just a diversion.
Its all to see if they can get you interested in things that are not really of concern to you as diversion.
If you have time to research such things fine...but do not let people throw a million conspiracy items your way and link them all together. Eventually the TI sounds like a nut or they are an operative acting like a nut.
I know it is difficult. Just staaaayyy focused and follow reason. There are research resources that make hypnosis, druggings, brainwashing, hypnosis and human experiementation realistic and credible.
Psy warfare is real.
This is what I did. I studied everything I could about everything for reference in my mental files. I added this onto whatever else was in there from previous research.
Then after realizing that the system tries to gorge you on info as diversion I picked files that were only important to ME and my situation.
This way you create your own internal world to replace the one they have taken from you and what you focus on is about YOU and what YOU know to be true..not the circus of bs.
The other info can be used for later reference if needed.
Its called minding your OWN business...something the perps need to learn desperately.
It pays off as knowing yourself always has...this something they cannot take away from you becuz I am sure you had some kind of life where at least you thought you had privacy.
Why the TI movement is ineffective
Its very simple.
The genuine TI's are so traumatized that its almost impossible to get anything done. All the different kinds of people that are supposedly active and why is it that nothing gets done?
One has to remember that the TI community is riddled with people posing as Targets or concerned about TI issues.
I call them operatives becuz that seems to be the best term for them. How they all come together and who they specifically work for I do not know.
They are simply part of the org stalk system itself.
If a targeted individual is smart enough to ever even know they are targeted by a system that has a name and that there is info on the internet then being a citizen of the USA or Europe, supposed democracies, a TI will naturally seek out assistance through activist groups.
This leads to involvement with the gang stalking activism network or the 'TI community'.
Then they become mistrustful of other TI's due to operatives, criminal opportunists and gang stalking perps posing as TI's. Some of these people are damn convincing but one should never trust anyone unless they have been thoroughly investigated or at least your feeling or vibe about them is solid. If yer dealing with intelligence agencies or mercenary corporations that do the same work nowadays, I am sure they know how to provide legit cover for people working for them.
You would need the same system as the organized stalking system itself to know if people are who they really claim to be in the TI community.
It s ineffective becuz the perpetrators operate within a criminal enterprise. They are predators and they feel they chose thier pray carefully. Someone vulnerable, alone, uneducated, without power, singled out in a group a sacrificial lamb, expendable etc.
The system wears them down and they become like prisoners in a POW camp or brainwashing facility. This becomes the best advantage of the people who are informants, provocatuers and handlers of targets.
Think of the organized stalking system as a carnival you have been forced into-everyday you leave your home or even within it. They keep you isolated in this world. The people in the forums posing as TI's and helpfuls are the people in the shadows at that carnival.
They can be the most truly dangerous becuz they have another way to gain your vulnerability that no one else yet has had....they claim they were abducted into the carnival too.
Sadly they are just another part of it.
As far as my experience goes, some TI's are just tired and being targeted so hard they are easily swayed. There are also TI's who are resemble mind control victims and any con is going to take advantage of that.
My main complaint is that there is no policing of the TI community to keep real victims safe..that is understandable becuz when you are working with a crime that is blacked out be the media for the most part, is denied officially and seems to be supported by members of those who claim to protect us in our society you are outside the parameters.
And the tactics are endless. Good perp bad perp. People claiming to be doing us all a service by outing agents and operatives.
These people create chaos...another form of diversion and mind game.
Being a TI without resources is like being an astronomer in meidival Europe...all you can do is see as much as you can from your little vantage point on Earth and try to use math (in this case deduction) to fill in the blanks of what you cannot see.
The most infuriating thing is that alot of others seem to know what is out there...this makes your betrayers and the perps who are strangers to you-the whole system is now god to you. They like it that way I can tell.
Perps wihtin the TI system only serve to enslave the TI more.
These people could perhaps hail from old intergen 'perp' families who know that this covert system has always been so anything on the surface is joke and they know it, or they are simply criminals who know they way the world really works. They could be programmed and have no idea why they are such bastards and feel there is nothing wrong with it or simply just a-holes who are born to engage in such behaviors by nature and take up what the org stalk system offers them as benefit for thier bad behavior.
Keep in mind one thing. All genuine TI's are opressed people, thier lives have been ruined and they face death.
Also, TI's are either genuine or they are not: they are perps. End of story.
The grey area is a TI who is so new, so mind controlled and so truamatized or drugged that they make mistakes that harm other TI's or the movement.
You can only judge for yourself I only provide information that will be helpful. There is no way to tell what TI is genuine if you are without resources. For those of us that are very isolated or always around people who may be in on it, the only way to tell if people are off is through intuition, deduction or limited research resources. Some people have an external network like policeman who are helpful unofficially etc.
I question the validity of all TI's claims. How do you know exactly who it is you are dealing with on the internet? or the telephone? In person it becomes obvious faster. On the phone can be quite revealing if you know what to look for.
I was fortunate...I was so expendable, so vulnerable and so poor that the operatives, criminals and perps would just attack me on calls or in person and not care about me leaving the groups...it seemed in fact that they wanted me out of the groups as fast as possible.
I have no money to scam and I ask too many logical questions about the inconsistencies of the movement. I am very undesirable. I am physically attractive and a trauma based mind control survivor so perps have and always will try to get me to live with them or go off with them so they can use me for sex or physical labor and attempted abuse.
Why they think I'd put up with this is partially due to the smear campaign I assume.
So perps know our weaknesses and they go after whatever they feel they can take for themselves. Becuz the law is in on it and everyone else is afraid of getting targeted no one will protect us or help us so we must protect ourselves.
All TI's are slaves to this system. I beleive pedophilia, drugs, money and human experimentaion and greed are at the core of the organized stalking system. There may be other causes I do not know. But those motives are never going to be argued with.
The thing that is so bad about the system is that it seems to cover its weaknesses while exposing all of ours.
If you make claims the psychiatic community is right there waiting to label you-with out investigation. They also cover for alot of the targeting with technologies thru perscribing medications-I am talking about simple stuff like sedatives and anti depressants.
If you call the FBI they say they dont deal with organized stalking. The police I have been told, smear you within the departments if not outright as 'crazy'amongst themselves and the community. Of course-the corrupt core is part of the harassment and stalking.
Organized stalking is not officially recognized even though workplace mobbing is- and no one has made laws against workplace mobbing! (or cyber stalking)
So the real Targets are left with no way out of this mess as well as no advocacy, no protection and no recourse.
This along with the public being innocent of such practices is what drives most TI's to suicide.
I cannot think of a system that would handle this kind of corruption. Especially if the all seeing eye system that is in place now to handle true crminals is being utilized to keep TI's down...it should be used to stop the targeting of people.
The movement is ineffective becuz TI's are people who the system finds negotiable and expendable. The TI becomes traumatized is too much for TI's to deal with and without resources most TI's will not make it.
The forums are full of predators.
You cannot possibly trust other people in a system that utilizes deception this much. It's suicide in itself.
I met someone the other day and it was too convenient. I was tired to I went along but if this person is a true TI she is now a good little mc victim. They got her joined to a group, she is not focused on her own case but every conspiracy theory on the planet and she is all over the place. Classic handling of a trauma victim.
Alot of human experimentees and tbmc survivors end up in this system. It's easy for exploiters to use trauma on them to control them becuz all thier lives have been trauma. So when someone says "I beleive they are going to take all the homeless and round them up soon" a trauma survivor may beleive this.
Especially if thier case involves mc tech being used on them as well as the druggings and the stalking/harassment. They are under remote influence at any time that may make them more suggestable than usual or anxiety ridden.
You have been victimized.
ORGANIZED STALKING IS THE HEIGHT OF VICTIM WITNESS INTIMIDATION. Not only are you being contained becuz of something you know
but u r being contained becuz now you know and can testify to the existence of the containment system itself.
The TI movement must be ineffective. If it were effective it would be wiped out or key members would be. It is essentially a containment area for TI's. You can meet real targets and I hope some groups DO get something done about this. I really do.
But in all the time the oldest TI's have been around there is yet to be a stop to it.
Its ineffective becuz it is an overt attempt to tangle with a system that is covert. Really that is the simple answer.
The genuine TI's are so traumatized that its almost impossible to get anything done. All the different kinds of people that are supposedly active and why is it that nothing gets done?
One has to remember that the TI community is riddled with people posing as Targets or concerned about TI issues.
I call them operatives becuz that seems to be the best term for them. How they all come together and who they specifically work for I do not know.
They are simply part of the org stalk system itself.
If a targeted individual is smart enough to ever even know they are targeted by a system that has a name and that there is info on the internet then being a citizen of the USA or Europe, supposed democracies, a TI will naturally seek out assistance through activist groups.
This leads to involvement with the gang stalking activism network or the 'TI community'.
Then they become mistrustful of other TI's due to operatives, criminal opportunists and gang stalking perps posing as TI's. Some of these people are damn convincing but one should never trust anyone unless they have been thoroughly investigated or at least your feeling or vibe about them is solid. If yer dealing with intelligence agencies or mercenary corporations that do the same work nowadays, I am sure they know how to provide legit cover for people working for them.
You would need the same system as the organized stalking system itself to know if people are who they really claim to be in the TI community.
It s ineffective becuz the perpetrators operate within a criminal enterprise. They are predators and they feel they chose thier pray carefully. Someone vulnerable, alone, uneducated, without power, singled out in a group a sacrificial lamb, expendable etc.
The system wears them down and they become like prisoners in a POW camp or brainwashing facility. This becomes the best advantage of the people who are informants, provocatuers and handlers of targets.
Think of the organized stalking system as a carnival you have been forced into-everyday you leave your home or even within it. They keep you isolated in this world. The people in the forums posing as TI's and helpfuls are the people in the shadows at that carnival.
They can be the most truly dangerous becuz they have another way to gain your vulnerability that no one else yet has had....they claim they were abducted into the carnival too.
Sadly they are just another part of it.
As far as my experience goes, some TI's are just tired and being targeted so hard they are easily swayed. There are also TI's who are resemble mind control victims and any con is going to take advantage of that.
My main complaint is that there is no policing of the TI community to keep real victims safe..that is understandable becuz when you are working with a crime that is blacked out be the media for the most part, is denied officially and seems to be supported by members of those who claim to protect us in our society you are outside the parameters.
And the tactics are endless. Good perp bad perp. People claiming to be doing us all a service by outing agents and operatives.
These people create chaos...another form of diversion and mind game.
Being a TI without resources is like being an astronomer in meidival Europe...all you can do is see as much as you can from your little vantage point on Earth and try to use math (in this case deduction) to fill in the blanks of what you cannot see.
The most infuriating thing is that alot of others seem to know what is out there...this makes your betrayers and the perps who are strangers to you-the whole system is now god to you. They like it that way I can tell.
Perps wihtin the TI system only serve to enslave the TI more.
These people could perhaps hail from old intergen 'perp' families who know that this covert system has always been so anything on the surface is joke and they know it, or they are simply criminals who know they way the world really works. They could be programmed and have no idea why they are such bastards and feel there is nothing wrong with it or simply just a-holes who are born to engage in such behaviors by nature and take up what the org stalk system offers them as benefit for thier bad behavior.
Keep in mind one thing. All genuine TI's are opressed people, thier lives have been ruined and they face death.
Also, TI's are either genuine or they are not: they are perps. End of story.
The grey area is a TI who is so new, so mind controlled and so truamatized or drugged that they make mistakes that harm other TI's or the movement.
You can only judge for yourself I only provide information that will be helpful. There is no way to tell what TI is genuine if you are without resources. For those of us that are very isolated or always around people who may be in on it, the only way to tell if people are off is through intuition, deduction or limited research resources. Some people have an external network like policeman who are helpful unofficially etc.
I question the validity of all TI's claims. How do you know exactly who it is you are dealing with on the internet? or the telephone? In person it becomes obvious faster. On the phone can be quite revealing if you know what to look for.
I was fortunate...I was so expendable, so vulnerable and so poor that the operatives, criminals and perps would just attack me on calls or in person and not care about me leaving the groups...it seemed in fact that they wanted me out of the groups as fast as possible.
I have no money to scam and I ask too many logical questions about the inconsistencies of the movement. I am very undesirable. I am physically attractive and a trauma based mind control survivor so perps have and always will try to get me to live with them or go off with them so they can use me for sex or physical labor and attempted abuse.
Why they think I'd put up with this is partially due to the smear campaign I assume.
So perps know our weaknesses and they go after whatever they feel they can take for themselves. Becuz the law is in on it and everyone else is afraid of getting targeted no one will protect us or help us so we must protect ourselves.
All TI's are slaves to this system. I beleive pedophilia, drugs, money and human experimentaion and greed are at the core of the organized stalking system. There may be other causes I do not know. But those motives are never going to be argued with.
The thing that is so bad about the system is that it seems to cover its weaknesses while exposing all of ours.
If you make claims the psychiatic community is right there waiting to label you-with out investigation. They also cover for alot of the targeting with technologies thru perscribing medications-I am talking about simple stuff like sedatives and anti depressants.
If you call the FBI they say they dont deal with organized stalking. The police I have been told, smear you within the departments if not outright as 'crazy'amongst themselves and the community. Of course-the corrupt core is part of the harassment and stalking.
Organized stalking is not officially recognized even though workplace mobbing is- and no one has made laws against workplace mobbing! (or cyber stalking)
So the real Targets are left with no way out of this mess as well as no advocacy, no protection and no recourse.
This along with the public being innocent of such practices is what drives most TI's to suicide.
I cannot think of a system that would handle this kind of corruption. Especially if the all seeing eye system that is in place now to handle true crminals is being utilized to keep TI's down...it should be used to stop the targeting of people.
The movement is ineffective becuz TI's are people who the system finds negotiable and expendable. The TI becomes traumatized is too much for TI's to deal with and without resources most TI's will not make it.
The forums are full of predators.
You cannot possibly trust other people in a system that utilizes deception this much. It's suicide in itself.
I met someone the other day and it was too convenient. I was tired to I went along but if this person is a true TI she is now a good little mc victim. They got her joined to a group, she is not focused on her own case but every conspiracy theory on the planet and she is all over the place. Classic handling of a trauma victim.
Alot of human experimentees and tbmc survivors end up in this system. It's easy for exploiters to use trauma on them to control them becuz all thier lives have been trauma. So when someone says "I beleive they are going to take all the homeless and round them up soon" a trauma survivor may beleive this.
Especially if thier case involves mc tech being used on them as well as the druggings and the stalking/harassment. They are under remote influence at any time that may make them more suggestable than usual or anxiety ridden.
You have been victimized.
ORGANIZED STALKING IS THE HEIGHT OF VICTIM WITNESS INTIMIDATION. Not only are you being contained becuz of something you know
but u r being contained becuz now you know and can testify to the existence of the containment system itself.
The TI movement must be ineffective. If it were effective it would be wiped out or key members would be. It is essentially a containment area for TI's. You can meet real targets and I hope some groups DO get something done about this. I really do.
But in all the time the oldest TI's have been around there is yet to be a stop to it.
Its ineffective becuz it is an overt attempt to tangle with a system that is covert. Really that is the simple answer.
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